Let the Light Shine: Welcoming Bro Alex Willoughby to the Royal Hanover Lodge

On a memorable evening at the Royal Hanover Lodge No. 1777, the lodge community came together to welcome its newest initiate, Brother Alex Willoughby. An electrician hailing from Twickenham, Alex was recommended by a fellow brother from a different province, drawn by the positive buzz surrounding the lodge’s vibrant community activities and their engaging Masonic events.

Alex, already a familiar face at Cole Court, had spent over a year getting to know the brethren during the Lodge of Instructions. His consistent presence had made such an impression that some members were surprised he wasn’t already an official part of the fold. This special night marked a significant transition for him, officially joining the lodge that he had come to know so well.

The initiation ceremony was skilfully performed by the Master Elect, Worshipful Brother Leon Hubbard, providing him with excellent practice for the responsibilities he will assume in the coming year. This important rite of passage was conducted in the presence of the Worshipful Master, W Bro Phil Malins, who earlier in the evening, had also led a second-degree ceremony for Brother Apanasikas, another recent addition to our lodge family.

Due to the evening’s packed schedule, a decision was made to limit the initiation ceremony to the rendition of the Charge to the Candidate. The tracing board explanation, a key component of Masonic education, was postponed to the next meeting. This arrangement ensures that both Brother Willoughby and another brother will experience this enriching explanation together, fostering a shared learning journey.

In addition to welcoming Brother Willoughby, the evening was further marked by another significant ceremony. Worshipful Brother Phil Malins expertly conducted a second-degree ceremony for Brother Alister MacDonald. This ritual serves as an important milestone in a Mason’s journey, deepening their engagement and understanding of the Masonic principles. Brother MacDonald’s progression through the degrees is a testament to his dedication and commitment to the values we hold dear at the Royal Hanover Lodge. This ceremony not only highlighted his personal growth within the fraternity but also reinforced the lodge’s commitment to nurturing the development of its members.

The Royal Hanover Lodge is proud to continue its tradition of embracing new members with open arms and fostering an environment where both the social and ceremonial aspects of Masonry thrive. We look forward to Brother Willoughby’s contributions and to the many gatherings where we can further our bonds of fraternity and service.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Royal Hanover Lodge as we continue to let the light of Masonry shine brightly in our community and beyond.