What a strange year its been, Freemasonry not seeing its like in over 300 years. The new norm is not normal in any light so what has Royal Hanover being during during these strange times.
I thought it would be a good time to give everyone an update about whats been happening since our last official meeting in January, (read the spectacular write up by clicking here ).
Charity Steward News By W.Bro. John Taylor
Going Forward – Charity Money Box
All members will appreciate due to the lack of meetings and limited attendance this year, our fund for charity donations has been significantly reduced. The GP Committee has therefore suggested, that we re-introduce that members could start saving a ‘Charity Money Box’ at home for any loose change. This can be given to me at any meetings and will be used to support our annual subscriptions (i.e. Friends of Prince Michael of Kent Court and United Fund Christmas Dinner) and upcoming worthy causes proposed by members.
Alternatively, if anyone would like to make a one-off donation (instead of collecting coins), this will be gratefully accepted.
Final 2020 Festival Total
Royal Hanover Lodge
has raised £31,143.
I am pleased to announce I have received our certificate of Platinum Grand Patron for the 2020 Festival. We raised a total of £31,143.
As a result of us achieving Platinum Grand Patron in the 2020 Festival, we have received a further £500 cheque from the Middlesex Province Relief Fund to donate to a charity of our selection. It has been voted that the donation will be made to Colin Grant’s Masters Charity of the Imperial Health Charity (i.e. The Blood Fund).
The cheque is now in my possession. We will be discussing the options, in respect of the cheque presentation in due course.
Also, agreed via the virtual meetings, I am pleased to announce we have made the one-off £60 donation to the Friends of Prince Michael of Kent Court which is a residential care home in Middlesex. The donation was greatly received, and they have presented myself as Charity Steward and Derek as Almoner with patch badges to wear on our collars.
At the GP meeting, it was agreed that we will make an annual subscription to support the work provided by the residential care home.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
John E. Taylor
Charity Steward
PGLM Promotion for Lodge 1777 Member W.Bro Phil Malins
We where delighted to hear the news that our Senior Warden, W.Bro. Phil Malins received Provincial honours this year, awarded Past Provincial Grand Junior Deacon.
As many of your know, that the Middlesex AGM was postponed to later in the year, so we have not had a chance to celebrate with Phil on his acheviement, but I am sure we will find a moment to do so in the near future, rules permitting.
Phil is a great all around member who fills in positions with a moments notice whilst also bringing a solid dose of humour to all occasions, and more speicifcally making me laugh when I am trying to deliver my little efforts of ritual, most of the time causing chaos at that moment when I need to be thinking clearly.
Well done Phil – Well Deserved
PGCM Promotion for Chapter 1777 Member W.Bro Derek Fifield
Roayl Hanover Chapter 1777 is also proud to announce that E.Comp Derek Fifield was awarded Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah. As with Phil above, we wish to congratulate Derek on this fine acheievement.
I am sure we will find the correct time and moment to celebrate Dereks promotion. Derek has been the Tresurer for Royal Hanover Chapter for many years and he does a supurb job for us.
Well done Derek, cake and gin on you next time.
W.Bro John Taylor (Snr) granted Honary Membership to Royal Hanover Lodge 1777
It is with much pride that the members of Royal Hanover Lodge have decided to grant Honorary Membership to W.Bro. John Taylor (Snr). John was intiated into Royal Hanover Lodge on the 17th March 1975 and has been a commited member all this time. We have printed a special certificate for John, from all the members of the Lodge from 2019. You can see a copy of his certificate here and he has reported to Mike Ross that he is well and is very pleased with his framed Certificate.
How can we not talk about Covid-19
When the lockdown started in March, it soon followed that Freemasonry in the United Kingdom, totally shutdown over night, all orders and all members. For many it felt like the only hobby was taken away for a reason that could not be seen or understood and it has made life very difficult, for many loosing your regular circle of friends and source of activity, it really has had a massive impact on many.
Members of Royal Hanover soon realised that not meeting on Tuesday evenings every week was a real disappointment. But technology can to the rescue, and we launched a Members and Friends of Royal Hanover meetup via Google Meet early in April and ran successfully for most of the lockdown period.
Each week, we took turns sharing what we have been up to, and challenges that we where experiencing. We also had the benefit of Mike Ross sharing the latest news from the Province and Grand Lodge, giving us an idea of what is to come.
We also had a wonderful surprise with Rob Turpin joining one evening. It was lovely to see him join us on Google Meet.
We where also joined on a regualar basis by our Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. John Leggett, as well as other friends of Royal Hanover and also candidates in waiting Mr Matt Gurmin.
Once the weather improved and social distancing plans become appropriate, we then started meeting up at Cole Court, but only in the open area seating. We nicknamed it ‘Bring Your Own Beer Meetup’. We kept to 2-metre min distance, brought our own drinks and snacks, but it made a real difference to those that come down to meet up. Even our Tyler, Brian Kemp joined us most weeks. We were also delighted to see our candidate in waiting, Matt Gurmin and our new prospect Philip Hansen join on some of the evenings.
It become a running weekly comparision as to who braught what beer, or pre mixed drink in a can. Mike Ross and I found a new favourite with Gordons Pink Gin and Tonic in a can.
Covid 19 Testing At Twickenham Rugby Ground
Our Lodge Tresurer W.Bro. Tom Wood has been working hard on long shifts at Twickenham Rugby Stadium that have been one of the local places for Covid 19 Testing.
I am sure the members of the Lodge would like to thank Tom for what can be a difficult job in these testing times. Well done Tom.
So Whats Next – 23rd October 2020 Craft Meeting
With the recent changes in the rules on how we can move forwards with conducting meetings once again, we are planning on progressing with our October Craft meeting and our November Chapter meeting, which are both installations.
Currently the principle rules we have to follow:
- Keep the2 metre social distancing in meetings
- Use masks covering mouth and noise
- No Festive Board at the moments are allowed
- Contact with each other is limited in open lodge
Our next meeting is schedule for 23rd October 2020 and we are especting an official visit from our Asssistant Provincial Grand Master W.Br. John Leggett. The current plan is for everyone to stay in office apart from a new minor changes, thus allowing everyone to have the year they orignially expected.
Twickenham, District Masonic Council has confirmed the change in facilities and how meetings are to be organised from the Centre point of view. You can read all about the new guidelines published by them by clicking here.
Their modified dining rules means a shortened menu and also that meals have to be booked individually, and the new menu and method of booking can be seen by clicking here.
The passing of W.Bro Roy Board
And last but not least, the sad news, that W.Bro Roy Board has passed to the Grand Lodge above on 6th March 2020 at 11.30 am in Hillingdon Hospital. Margaret had spent the last 3 days at his bedside without a break and was with him until the end. His funeral took place on 19th March 2020 at South West Middlesex Crematorium. I know many members of the Lodge attended, at a time when C-19 was only just coming on the radar.
Several Brothers wrote a short peice in memory of Roy and can be read here CLICK HERE TO READ. If any other member of Royal Hanover Lodge would like to write a piece in memory of Roy please email me, david.north@royalhanoverlodge.com.
We are planning a Lodge of Of Sorrow in the October 23rd 2020 Meeting, Further details will be published as part of issueing the summons.