Royal Hanover Chapter Banner Dedication Centenary Celebration 17th February 2023

The history of the Royal Hanover Chapter is unusual due to the fact we have been consecrated twice.

The Royal Hanover Chapter, No. 1777 was first granted its charter on 4th February 1884. It was consecrated at the Albany Hotel, Twickenham, Middlesex on the 16th of May 1884. The ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand Superintendent, Francis Thrupp, and was sponsored by and attached to the Royal Hanover Lodge, No. 1777 and followed at that time the Aldersgate ritual. In 1894 the chapter surrendered its charter due to a lack of support. It was officially erased on 1st May 1895.

The chapter was reformed in 1922 after a petition was signed by ten members of the Royal Hanover Lodge No 1777 one of these petitioners being Harry Clarke who was originally exalted into the Royal Hanover Chapter in 1884, with a new charter being granted on the 2 August 1922 the second consecration took place on the 5 December 1922. The consecration this time was held at Great Queen Street and the ceremony was performed by the Grand Superintendent of Middlesex The Rt Hon Lord George F Hamilton GCSI. The chapter continued to hold their meetings at the Albany hotel until they relocated to Cole Court, Middlesex in 1952.

King George V of Hanover – 27 May 1819 – 12 June 1878

The Royal Hanover Chapter was named to perpetuate the memory of King George V of Hanover and his close connection with our own British Royal Family, being cousin to Queen Victoria. We were greatly honoured when the last King of Hanover’s son Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland not only consented to the use of the name but granted the necessary permission for the use of the Royal Coat of Arms as the Chapter’s crest. Being Middlesex Masons, we are proud to have a historical connection with our own British Royal Family.

As a result of this permission and to celebrate our Centenary the members have sponsored our first Chapter banner depicting the Royal House of Hanover Crest to be dedicated on the 17th of February 2023 to commemorate this auspicious occasion in the history of the Chapter.

We started planning for this day many years ago, deciding to focus on the new Banner for the Chapter. Late in 2022 we finally received SGC approval, and this meant we could now plan a convocation for a Banner Dedication ceremony in earnest.

Royal Hanover Chapter Principals & Officers

The day started with the Officers, Members and Guests of the Royal Hanover Chapter opening the convocation at 4.30 pm, with E Companion Peter Hosie-Kingham as MEZ, E Companion Alan Hykin as H, and E Companion Denis Charge as J taking their officer places for this special year.

Companions Of Royal Hanover Chapter, Provincial Dedicating Team & Guests

As a further treat to this day, we were honoured to have E Comp Michael Karn PAGSoj P3rdProvGPrin take the organist’s seat to give us a full musical aspect to our convocation.

Once the regular business of opening the chapter, confirming and approving the minutes for the 290th Convocation, we received E Comp John Eynon, PGSwdB, Deputy Grand Superintendent of Middlesex and other Officers of Middlesex Provincial Grand Chapter.

Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex Banner Dedication Team

The companions of the Royal Hanover Chapter were proud to host a delegation from the Province of Middlesex Grand Chapter, with E Comp John L. Eynon, PGSwdB, DepGSupt attending as Dedicating Officer, assisted by:

  • E Comp Martyn Farrell, PGSwdB, PDepGSupt as Dedicating Second Principal
  • E Comp Howard Hughes, PGStB, 3rdProvGPrin as Dedicating Third Principal
  • E Comp Jim Mitchell, PGStB, PProvGDC as Dedicating Dir. of Ceremonies
  • E Comp Ian Ferguson DepProvGDC as Dedicating Assist. Dir. of Ceremonies
  • E Comp Tom James, PAGDC, PPrGStB, ProvGJan as Dedicating Janitor

Accompanied escort by E Comp Gordon Polley, E Comp Jack Maunders, E Comp Jiten Vaghela, and E Comp Saurabh Patel.

The ceremony for the Banner Dedication was then carried out by E Comp John Eynon:

  1. The Dedicating Officer requested the Dedicating Assistant Director of Ceremonies to form an escort to bear in the Chapter Banner
  2. The MEZ requested the Dedicating Officer receive the Banner for Dedication
  3. The Dedicating 3rd Principal offered the Dedication Prayer
  4. The Dedicating Officer dedicated the Banner
  5. The Dedicating Officer invited the MEZ to receive the Dedicated Banner on behalf of the Chapter
  6. The Dedicating 3rd Principal addressed the Chapter
  7. The Dedicating 3rd Principal gave the Patriarchal Benediction 
  8. The Dedicating Officer invited E Comp Hugh Saville PGStB to read a brief History of the Chapter
  9. The Dedicating Officer invited the MEZ to resume the Chair
Royal Hanover Chapter Banner Design approved by Supreme Grand Chapter
E Comp Peter Hosie-Kingham ProvGSwdB & E Comp John L. Eynon, PGSwdB, DepGSupt

Presentation of Supreme Grand Chapter Certificates to Comp Iain Raymond & Comp Mathew Jennings

E Comp Mike Ross PAGDC PProvGSE presented Grand Chapter Certificates to two of our companions, both of which are serving as 1st Assistant Soj and 2nd Assistant Soj.

Comp Iain Raymond
Comp Mathew Jennings

Centenary Celebration & Banner Dedication Festive Board

Once the convocation closed with the singing of the National Anthem, the companions then visited the bar, whilst the dining room was finished with the regular traditions of Royal Hanover for such a special meeting. As this was a special meeting to be remembered, we were treated to glasses of Champagne on entering the Festive Board with additional courses and specially selected wines. The atmosphere was great and the evening was enjoyed by all.

Royal Hanover Chapter 1777 Festive Board
Everyone had a souvenir placemat and a cotton handkerchief with the Royal Hanover Crest
Festive Board Seating Plan for Royal Hanover Chapter