Celebration of Her Majesty The Queen, Platinum Jubilee and 2nd Degree Ceremony Bro Matt Gurmin

Celebration of Her Majesty The Queen, Platinum Jubilee and 2nd Degree Ceremony Bro Matt Gurmin

Our regular May meeting went really smoothly, with the planned ceremony for a 2nd Degree passing for Brother Matt Gurmin. Again, we had a spectacular number of guests attend this meeting, with over 50 masons in attendance. Bro Matt's ceremony was kindly conduct by W.Bro Colin Grant IPM, and Bro Matt's words where very well delivered. Bro. Matt's 1st Degree ceremony was conducted back in 30th July 2021 and has been a regular of both LOI and all social events of Royal Hanover Lodge. Continue reading
Congratulations to W.Bro Colin Grant

Congratulations to W.Bro Colin Grant

W.Bro Colin attended the Province of Middlesex AGM on May 10th to receive his collar, Past Provincial Grand Junior Deacon. In celebration, many of the Royal Hanover members joined Colin at a meal at Le Ballerina in Covent Garden. Great evening, good company and special times. Congratulations Colin. Continue reading
60th Year Certificate in Freemasonry, 2nd Degree Ceremony & Official Visit from W.Bro John Leggett

60th Year Certificate in Freemasonry, 2nd Degree Ceremony & Official Visit from W.Bro John Leggett

W.Bro John surprised us all with a wonderful moment by presenting a 60 year certificate to W.Bro Peter Parsons in a special way. It was like watching a "Michael Parkinson" style interview, by placing 2 chairs in the middle of the temple facing each other, and had a wonderful chat about Peters life in Masonry, and being initiated into Royal Hanover Lodge on the 23rd March 1952 by his father and Uncle who where both members of the Lodge back in that time. Continue reading